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Monday, 17 February 2025
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Golligosh wants your badges!

Do you have any Robertson's badges (often referred to as golly badges), the ones that were offered for tokens from Robertson's jam or any of the later roald dahl badges,  are your badges just collecting dust or sat in a draw along with your odds and ends.

Active ImageDid you know that you can sell your badges for cold hard cash today!

Although many think golly dated and he has suffered a bad press over recently years he still has some redeeming qualities, not least you can get rid of yours today for cash!  Yes that's right that little golly badge is worth money.  True not all badges are equal and some are worth more than others but either way the little dudes worth some something in these turbulent financial times.

Whether you have one or one thousand badges we are interested and either way we will give you a quote.  No risk, no minimum bid, no dealing with a faceless account on ebay, no dodgy paypal disputes saying your badges didn't arrive, no hassle.  It's simple, email us a list of what you have, (if you don't know email us a picture) and we will email you back a price! - If you like it we will purchase your badges .

we can then either pick them up and pay cash

or send a payment by cheque or paypal and you send us the badges.

If you don't have email or are not that techie, don't panic, ring the number on the contacts page, leave a message and we will ring you back (landline numbers please)

Don't leave them in the draw getting scratched and deterioating sell them now before they devalue or they become unsaleable due to the PC brigade.  Now may be your last chance to get a reasonable price for your badges, so what are you waiting for ?

Contact Golligosh today !

Newsflash 1

Ebay prices unpredictable as financial crisis deepens. 

The price of Robertson's golly badges has been on somewhat of a rollercoaster ride over the last twelve months from the reasonable prices of December 2007 through the slump of early 2008 closely followed by the 2nd slump towards the end of 2008 then what looked like being a renewal of fortunes the crazy sometimes unexplainable worthless prices of early 2009. 

One minute they look like commanding a reasonable price and the next badges are going for a quarter of their value.

The secret is securing a fair price - so 
"contact us" today and see how much your badges are worth

Newsflash 2

Given the upredictable prices of Robertsons badges what is the best strategy for realising the best price?

In short nobody really knows but as long as you get a fair and honest price that you are happy with then who cares.  The best policy is to monitor the market and judge the average price per badge.  Remember sometimes a badge may go for double or even treble it's usual price if two Ebayers want to fight it out but then there is also the unxplainable time when auctions go for the maiden bid of 1p and the seller is left licking their wounds.  If you value a badge then use a reserve but remember if you set it high then you may get no bids at all and wind up with just your Ebay fees to pay out.

If your thinking of covering your Ex's by high postage this doesn't work either as these auctions almost never get a bid but you still get charged your insertion fee.

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